KEA BioConsulting © 2011


KEA BioConsulting


• Processing technologies

Research driven development of new food and feed production methods based on new technical solutions.


• Development & Tradition

New production methods are integrated in to traditional processes optimizing product portefolie with minor implications on original products.


• Economy & Environment

Focus on sidestream utilization as well as minimized energy and water consumtion resulting in optimized process economy and environmentel friendly production.





KEA BioConsulting provide a visionary green technology platform enabling increased product portfolio and revenue for food and feed producing industries




Starch potatoes; Legumes; Rapeseed; Sugar beets; Meat; Blood; Milk


Utilize the side-streams to exploit the full potential of your production and generate new high-value products for food and/or feed applications.


Ingredient production is often focused on the core business segments and the main products, often produced in processes optimized according to customer demands, product quality, resource consumption and authority restrictions. But often the full potential of the raw materials are not exploited. 


Various chemical reactions may occur during processing of food and feed ingredients. Even though these reactions often involve compounds present in quantitatively low concentrations, the reactions may have a large negative effect on the quality of various quantitatively dominating compounds in the matrix.


Most often production methods are designed so the main products are not affected by such un-wanted reactions byt they may anyway have a large impact on the exploration potential of the side-streams.


Biochemical knowledge and insight into natural product chemistry combined with analysis of raw material composition can generate knowledge on how to increase the quality of the side-streams by adjusting the production parameters of the existing process. In many cases minor adjustments can prevent reactions like enzyme catalysed degradation, oxidative alterations and denaturisation.




Solutions for smarter production of food and feed products, optimizing product portefolie by utilizing side streams and minimizing energy consumption and waste formation.




Biochemistry and natural product chemistry as basis for process technology development in food and feed ingredient production.